Saturday, March 7, 2009

Food Crush

Let me start of by making it clear that I love my wife. She is a wonderful person and I am thankful everyday that she settled for me.

With that in mind, let me tell you about a little crush I have. For a long time I saw a link on my sister's blog that said "Pioneer Woman Cooks." Now, while I enjoy cooking, I am neither a pioneer or a woman, so I did not click.

A few months ago, out of boredom, I decided to give it a try. What I saw astounded me. The food looked amazing, with step-by-step photos, instructions, and even some humor thrown in. I went through dozens of recipes in the archives. Before I knew it, I had spent hours on this website. I started to feel guilty. So I called my sister and asked if it was weird that I had a crush on this fabled "Pioneer Woman" given that 1) I am a happily married man; and 2) I had never even seen her. In fact I didn't even know if it was a single "her." It could have been a conglomerate of pioneer women who ran the site. The truth is, I didn't care, and neither should you.

The Pioneer Woman Cooks captures how I feel about food. Fancy when it should be, but more often than not, just down-and-dirty good food.

So go give it a read. You probably already have. It would have been time better spent than reading this dribble about my not-so-secret food crush. If you haven't, now's a great time to start -- She just updated her recipe index.

There goes my weekend.


tonksfam said...

Rob just got addicted to it last night. I've been reading PW for over a year now, and he's always thought that was a little strange. Then one recipe caught him and, yup, he was on for about an hour looking at more.

Just don't eat her stuff every day. It shortens your lifetime exponentially. Besides, you'll go broke buying butter and bacon.

Stewarts said...

It's the little things in life that make us happy.

I just finished printing off four recipes to try this month. I can't get enough of her either. I also LOVE her photography section. :)

This is me said...

I refuse to allow that woman's food in my kitchen. I don't care how good it is. I know when you are eating it, you are thinking of her.

Except. . .wait a minute. . .


Oh sweet Pioneer Woman, where have you been all my life?

Montana Mom said...

She has a section called "Cowgirl Food". I'm in love already!